JavaScript Project Ideas & Topics for Beginners [2023]

JavaScript project ideas

FAUN — Developer Community 🐾


javascript project
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash


JavaScript is one of the most widely-used programming languages in the world, and it is an essential tool for building interactive websites and web applications. In 2023, the demand for JavaScript developers will continue to grow as more businesses and organizations move online and look for ways to improve the user experience on their websites.

There are many different types of JavaScript projects that beginners can work on, including:

  • Building simple applications, such as to-do lists, calculators, and games
  • Creating dynamic user interfaces, such as image sliders and responsive navigation menus
  • Validating forms and checking the strength of passwords
  • Building basic web applications, such as shopping cart and music player
  • Building a drawing canvas application
  • Creating scripts that can be integrated into existing websites or applications

Each of these project types can help beginners learn different aspects of JavaScript and web development, and they can serve as a foundation for more advanced projects in the future.

1. To-Do List Application:

A to-do list application is a simple web application that allows users to create, view, and manage a list of tasks. The application should include the following features:

  • Adding new tasks to the list
  • Viewing all tasks on the list
  • Marking tasks as complete
  • Removing tasks from the list
  • Option to edit existing tasks
  • Option to filter the list based on completed tasks
  • Option to sort the list based on the date of creation

Steps for building the application:

  1. Start by creating a basic HTML structure for the application, including a form for adding new tasks and a list to display the tasks.
  2. Use JavaScript to create functions for adding, viewing, and removing tasks from the list.
  3. Use event listeners to capture user interactions with the form and the list, and use JavaScript to update the list accordingly.
  4. Use local storage to save the tasks so that they persist even when the page is reloaded.
  5. Add the ability to mark tasks as complete and remove tasks from the list.
  6. Style the application with CSS to make it visually appealing.
  7. Test the application and fix any bugs.

Tips for beginners on how to make the application more advanced:

  • Add the ability to edit existing tasks
  • Add the ability to filter the list based on completed tasks
  • Add the ability to sort the list based on the date of creation
  • Add a feature that allows the user to set a deadline for the task
  • Add the ability to add a priority level to the task
  • Add the ability to categorize tasks
  • Add a feature that sends reminders to the user for incomplete tasks
  • Add the ability to export the task list to a spreadsheet or pdf
  • Add the ability to share the task list with other users.

2. Calculator:

A calculator is a web application that allows users to perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The application should include the following features:

  • A display screen to show the current calculation
  • Buttons for numbers and basic mathematical operations
  • A clear button to erase the current calculation
  • A backspace button to delete the last digit entered
  • A decimal button to add decimal points
  • A button for percentage calculations
  • A button for square root calculations
  • A button for cube root calculations

Steps for building the calculator:

  1. Start by creating a basic HTML structure for the calculator, including a display screen and buttons for numbers and mathematical operations.
  2. Use JavaScript to create functions for performing mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  3. Use event listeners to capture user interactions with the buttons and update the display screen accordingly.
  4. Add the ability to clear the current calculation and delete the last digit entered.
  5. Add a decimal button to allow users to add decimal points to numbers.
  6. Add buttons for percentage calculations, square root calculations and cube root calculations
  7. Style the calculator with CSS to make it visually appealing.
  8. Test the calculator and fix any bugs.

Tips for beginners on how to make the calculator more advanced:

  • Add the ability to handle negative numbers.
  • Add the ability to perform more advanced mathematical operations, such as trigonometry and logarithms.
  • Add the ability to store and recall previous calculations.
  • Add the ability to convert between different units of measurement, such as weight, length, and volume.
  • Add the ability to perform calculations with multiple operators, such as (2 + 3) * 4.
  • Add the ability to perform calculations with multiple decimal places.
  • Add a history feature that allows users to view their previous calculations.
  • Add the ability to customize the calculator’s layout and color scheme.
  • Add the ability to export the calculation history to a spreadsheet or pdf.
  • Add the ability to share the calculation history with other users.

3. Rock-Paper-Scissors Game:

A Rock-Paper-Scissors game is a web application that allows users to play the classic game against the computer. The application should include the following features:

  • A display screen to show the current game status
  • Buttons for the user to choose rock, paper or scissors
  • A display screen to show the computer’s choice
  • A display screen to show the game result (win, lose or draw)
  • A button to start a new game
  • A score board to keep track of the user’s wins, losses, and draws
  • Option to play with different rule set

Steps for building the game:

  1. Start by creating a basic HTML structure for the game, including buttons for the user to choose rock, paper, or scissors, and a display screen to show the computer’s choice.
  2. Use JavaScript to create functions for handling user’s choice, computer’s choice, and the game result.
  3. Use event listeners to capture user interactions with the buttons and update the display screen accordingly.
  4. Add the ability to show the game result (win, lose or draw) and the score board
  5. Add a button to start a new game
  6. Add randomness to the computer’s choice using JavaScript
  7. Style the game with CSS to make it visually appealing.
  8. Test the game and fix any bugs.

Tips for beginners on how to make the game more advanced:

  • Add the option to play with different rule sets, such as rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock
  • Add animations to the game when the user wins, loses or draws
  • Add sound effects to the game
  • Add the ability to customize the game’s layout and color scheme
  • Add the ability to save the game history and scores
  • Add the ability to share the game with other users
  • Add a feature that allows the user to play against a friend
  • Add a feature that allows the user to play against the computer with different difficulty levels
  • Add a feature that allows the user to play the game in different languages
  • Add a feature that allows the user to customize their choice (e.g. use images instead of text)

4. Weather App:

A weather app is a web application that allows users to view current weather information for a specific location. The application should include the following features:

  • A search bar for users to enter a location
  • A display screen to show current weather information, such as temperature, humidity, and weather condition
  • A display screen to show a five-day forecast
  • Option to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit
  • Option to view weather information in different languages
  • A button to refresh the weather information

Steps for building the weather app:

  1. Start by creating a basic HTML structure for the weather app, including a search bar and display screens for current weather and forecast.
  2. Use an API (such as OpenWeather API) to access weather information for a specific location.
  3. Use JavaScript to create functions to retrieve and display the weather information.
  4. Use event listeners to capture user interactions with the search bar and refresh button, and update the display screens accordingly.
  5. Add the ability to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit
  6. Add the option to view weather information in different languages
  7. Style the weather app with CSS to make it visually appealing.
  8. Test the weather app and fix any bugs.

Tips for beginners on how to make the weather app more advanced:

  • Add the ability to save multiple locations and switch between them easily
  • Add the ability to view a map of the location with the current weather conditions
  • Add the ability to view a radar map or satellite image of the location to show the current weather conditions
  • Add the ability to view historical weather data for a specific location
  • Add the ability to set custom notifications for specific weather conditions or temperature ranges
  • Add the ability to view current air quality information for a specific location
  • Add the ability to view current UV index and sun rise/set times for a specific location
  • Add the ability to view weather information for different parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening)
  • Add the ability to customize the layout and color scheme of the app
  • Add the ability to share the weather information with friends and family via social media or email.

5. Random Quote Generator:

A Random Quote Generator is a web application that allows users to generate and display random quotes from a predefined list. The application should include the following features:

  • A button to generate a new quote
  • A display area to show the quote and its author
  • A button to share the quote on social media or via email
  • A button to save the quote
  • Option to select a category of quotes
  • Option to select a language of quotes

Steps for building the quote generator:

  1. Start by creating a basic HTML structure for the quote generator, including a button to generate a new quote and a display area for the quote and its author.
  2. Create a JavaScript array or an external file that contains a list of quotes and their authors.
  3. Use JavaScript to create a function that retrieves a random quote from the list and displays it on the web page.
  4. Use event listeners to capture user interactions with the generate button and update the display area accordingly.
  5. Add a button to share the quote on social media or via email.
  6. Add a button to save the quote
  7. Add the option to select a category of quotes
  8. Add the option to select a language of quotes
  9. Style the quote generator with CSS to make it visually appealing.
  10. Test the quote generator and fix any bugs.

Tips for beginners on how to make the quote generator more advanced:

  • Add the ability to view a random quote from a specific author
  • Add the ability to search for a specific quote or author
  • Add the ability to add new quotes to the list
  • Add the ability to view a random background image or video related to the quote
  • Add the ability to customize the layout and color scheme of the app
  • Add the ability to play an audio clip related to the quote
  • Add the ability to save a list of favorite quotes
  • Add the ability to view the number of times a quote has been generated
  • Add the ability to view quotes from different sources (books, movies, speeches)
  • Add the ability to view quotes in different languages

6. Tic-Tac-Toe Game:

A Tic-Tac-Toe Game is a web-based implementation of the classic game where two players take turns marking a 3x3 grid with X’s and O’s. The game should include the following features:

  • A 3x3 grid to play the game
  • A display screen to show the current player’s turn
  • A button to start a new game
  • A button to reset the game
  • A button to undo the last move
  • A button to redo the last move
  • A display screen to show the winner
  • Option to play with computer
  • Option to change the board size

Steps for building the Tic-Tac-Toe Game:

  1. Start by creating a basic HTML structure for the game, including a 3x3 grid and display screens for the current player’s turn and the winner.
  2. Use JavaScript to create functions to handle the game logic, such as determining the winner and switching between players’ turns.
  3. Use event listeners to capture user interactions with the grid and update the display screens accordingly.
  4. Add a button to start a new game, reset the game, undo the last move, and redo the last move.
  5. Add the option to play with computer
  6. Add the option to change the board size
  7. Style the Tic-Tac-Toe Game with CSS to make it visually appealing.
  8. Test the Tic-Tac-Toe Game and fix any bugs.

Tips for beginners on how to make the game more advanced:

  • Add the ability to save and load games.
  • Add the ability to play against friends online.
  • Add the ability to customize the layout and color scheme of the app.
  • Add the ability to play with different types of boards (e.g. 4x4, 5x5).
  • Add the ability to play with different types of pieces (e.g. images, animated characters).
  • Add the ability to set different difficulty levels when playing against the computer.
  • Add the ability to view statistics for wins, losses, and ties.
  • Add the ability to view a leaderboard of high scores.
  • Add the ability to view a history of moves made during the game
  • Add the ability to add a timer to each player’s turn
  • Add the ability to play against AI with different levels of difficulty


  • Summary of the different JavaScript project ideas and topics discussed
  • Additional resources for beginners to continue learning and improving their skills.

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