Kubernetes Image Pull Policy


At the time of implementing an application to a Kubernetes cluster, you may need one or many images to be extracted from a Docker registry.

You have to define the images that you want to extract, the registry from which you want to extract, and the details for extracting the images. These specifications have to be given in the application’s manifest document.

Generally, the manifest file is called as a deployment.YAML file or pod spec.

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You have to follow the below steps for extracting images from the application, that are inside an Oracle Cloud database registry.

  1. To create a Docker registry secret, Kubectl is used. While extracting the image, the details of the Oracle Cloud Database inside the secret are used. It is recommended to use the new version of kubectl while creating secrets.
  2. You have to define the image that you want to extract, from the Oracle Cloud Database Registry, along with the storage location and Docker registry secret are used in the manifest file of the application.
kubernetes image pull policy

For making the Docker registry secret, follow the below steps:

  1. First, download the Kubeconfig configuration file and for pointing the file, make the Kubconfig condition value. You have to load kubeconfig file of your own. You are not allowed to get a cluster, from a kubeconfig file of another user.
  2. Type the following command in the closing screen.

$ Kubectl create secret docker-registry <secret-name> — docker-server=<region-code>.ocir.io — docker-username=’<tenancy-namespace>/<oci-username>’ — docker-password=’<oci-auth-token>’ — docker-email=’<email-address>’

<secret-name> name that you will use in the manifest file for referring the secret.

<region-code> Location of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry that you are using.

The property of the image in the constructing file, has the same logic, as the Docker command while constructing a case. In constructing a case, there is a section given to specify the name of the image, that we are trying to pull from the library.

For specifying the image for extracting, from the Oracle Cloud data frame registry with the help of Docker secret, while implementing an application. Follow the below steps:

  1. First, open display file in an editor.
  2. Add a container section that defines the details of the container, that you want to pull and also add an image pull secret, that defines the details of the docker secret you designed.

Below is the construction format that will pull an image, from the Docker library and place it into Kubernetes blocks.

apiVersion: v1

kind: pod


name: Testing_for_Image_pull



_name: neo4j-server

Image: <Name of the Docker image>

imagePullPolicy: Always

command: [“echo”, “SUCCESS”]

command: [“echo”, “SUCCESS”]

command: [“echo”, “SUCCESS”]

3. Finally, save and close the file.

From the above code,

  • name Testing_for_Image_pull — To find and verify the name of the container, that will be made after removing the images from the Docker library.
  • Name neo4j-server — The name of the container that we are going to design. Here, neo4j-server is the name.
  • Image: <Name of the Docker image> — Name of the image that we are going to extract, from the Docker or internal library of images. We have to give a full registry path with the name of the image, that we are going to extract.
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Before referring the image to the registry in Kubernetes pod. You can design your Docker image, and add it to a register.

  • IfNotPresent pull policy makes the kubelet to not pull an image if it is already there.
  • image pull policy: IfNotPresent
  • image pull policy: Always Image is extracted whenever the pod begins.
  • an image pulls policy: Never in this, nothing tries to extract the image.

Remove the image pull policy and write: latest to use the image

Remove the image pull policy and also the tag to use image

Allow AlwaysPullImages admission controller.

Try to ignore the use of the latest tag.

To extract the image and design a container, type the below command.

$ kubectl create –f Testing_for_Image_pull

After getting the log, we get the result as successful.

$ kubectl log Testing_for_Image_pull

This code will give a result of success or failure.

In this article, I have shared with you about the Kubernetes image pull policy commands. I suggest you try all the codes by yourself, to get a better understanding of Kubernetes Image Pull Policy.

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