Latest research papers in Data world

Soham Sharma
FAUN — Developer Community 🐾
3 min readNov 27, 2022


So by now you have known about Data Phoenix through my previous articles. You can check out my previous articles about them below.

Also, the latest digests by Data Phoenix can be found here.

Data phoenix also publishes a section where latest research papers in the data world are put up, these research papers are chosen with interests in computer vision, artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, etc.

Their latest news features are as follows:

DiffusionDB: A Large-scale Prompt Gallery Dataset for Text-to-Image Generative Models — (Source Data Phoenix)

Diffusion models have recently gained enormous popularity, due to the ability to generate high-quality and controlled images based on textual cues written in natural language. However, generating images with the desired details is challenging, because it requires users to write appropriate cues indicating the exact expected results. Developing such cues requires trial and error, and can often seem random.

DiffusionDB: A Large-scale Prompt Gallery Dataset for Text-to-Image Generative Models
Data Phoenix Paper

eDiff-I: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with an Ensemble of Expert Denoisers- (Source — Data Phoenix)

eDiff-I is the next generation of generative AI content creation tool that offers unprecedented text-to-image fusion, instant style transfer, and intuitive word-painting capabilities.

eDiffi: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Ensemble of Expert Denoisers
Data Phoenix Paper

Musika! Fast Infinite Waveform Music Generation — (Source-Data Phoenix)

Fast, user-controlled music generation opens up new possibilities for composing and performing music. But today’s music generation systems require large amounts of data and computing resources for training, and slow output. This makes them impractical for real-time interactive use.

You can read many more such research papers and news articles by subscribing to Data Phoenix’s newsletter.

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