Top 10 Github Repos Every Developer Should Know

Tarun Manrai
FAUN — Developer Community 🐾
4 min readJun 10, 2020


GitHub is one of the most popular sites for hosting source codes with version control. GitHub is the number one platform for sharing all kinds of technologies, frameworks, libraries, and collections of all sorts. It also becomes an enormous developer’s network. It has more than 30 million accounts and over 96 million repositories.

Some of them will help you learn new things, some will help you build cool things, and all of them will help you to become better software engineers

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1 FreeCodeCamp’s open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code at home. A non-profit organization and one of the best online open-source community where you can learn to code and help others. They have a huge community with a great forum to help each other and improve coding skills. Each week you will find new issues and pull requests.

2 Developer Roadmap

A lot of students and newbie’s in programming get confused about what technology they should learn and what path they should follow step by step to become a developer. He has prepared a complete chart including the technology in each category of development (frontend, backend, DevOps..) that will give you a clear understanding of what you should learn next.

3 Awesome Python

This GitHub repository has included a list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software, and resources. You can also find resources for podcasts. So this is a great repository for python lovers

4 You-don't-know-JS

If you are a developer you might have been aware of the popularity of JavaScript. You don’t know JS is one of the most popular books for JavaScript lovers written by Kyle Simpson’s. The series of this book is available on Github.

5 App Ideas Collection

Have you ever wanted to build something but you had no idea what to do? Just as authors sometimes have writer’s block, it’s also true for developers. This repos contains a list of app ideas categorized according to three tiers of programming experience. These applications help you improve your coding skills as well as allow you to try out new technologies.

6 Storybook

Storybook is a development environment for UI components. It allows you to browse a component library, view the different states of each component, and interactively develop and test components.

The storybook runs outside of your app. This allows you to develop UI components in isolation, which can improve component reuse, testability, and development speed. You can build quickly without having to worry about application-specific dependencies.

7 Build Your Own X

This fantastic repository basically is a collection of tutorials on how to build your own technology. There are examples of how to build a command-line tool, an operating system, a search engine, a 3D renderer, and many, many more.

Have you ever wanted to create your own programming language? Or your very own Docker or Git? Then this is the right repository for you.

8 Coding Interview University

This repository is a multi-month study plan to become a software engineer for a large company like Amazon, Google, or Facebook. It is meant for people who are new to software engineering (where CS knowledge is needed) and also offers advice on how to study to become a reliability engineer or operations engineer.

9 Public APIs

If you are a developer then definitely you will have to deal with APIs for your application. Public APIs are a great list of free APIs that you can use for your projects and applications. It covers various topics such as business, anime, animals, news, finance, games, and more. There are more useful ones like the Gmail API or the Google Analytics API.

10 Awesome

Awesome is, without a doubt, the most popular repos that curates all topics from software development to hardware to business. It has more than 123,000 stars on Github at this moment, and one could spend days (nights) browsing it. It is my one-stop-shop if I want to learn something new.

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